You deserve to live your life with the facts about your health.

The days of guessing your workouts and unstainable weight loss are over.

Get started today!

Click below or Text "I'm Ready"

to 201-800-6323

End Chronic Fatigue

Improve Muscle Recovery

Avoid the Weekend Hangover

Get Rid of Unwanted Fat

What is infusion therapy?

Simply put, infusion therapy is receiving essential vitamins, minerals, and supplements either intravenously (IV), intramuscularly (IM) or subcutaneously into your body.

Methods such as IV bypasses the digestive system that food experiences allowing your body to absorb more of what it needs, faster.

A general IV session lasts typically 30-45 minutes start to finish and can be completed in the comfort of your own home in most cases.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved mental clarity

  • Disease prevention

  • Autoimmune support

  • Chemical Dependency

  • Sustained Energy

  • Improved Skin, Hair & Nails

  • Improved Muscle Recovery

  • Supports Flu-like Symptoms

    And More!

We get it – it’s hard to balance it all.

Too often you’re choosing between getting more done and taking care of yourself!

We provide precise, safe, and effective services supporting your health and performance goals.

Our team of longevity, medical, and health professionals have your back.

Trusted by:

UFC Champions

Fortune 500 Execs

NCAA Champions

Medical Professionals

Expecting Mothers

Our Services


Metabolic Breath Analysis

We all have the goal of either extending our longevity, increasing our performance, or sustaining an ideal weight.

We leverage the most clinically accurate technology to obtain your Resting and Active Metabolic Rates in order to observe 23 biomarkers that are crucial to your body's most essential functions.

In under 30 minutes we'll have deep insights to your health, including your V02Max, which helps determine your body's overall health and biological age helping identify health risks with a team of experts to support and prevent them.


Whether a first-timer or experienced with infusion services (IV), our Ready Bags serve the casual, less health-centric customer.

Ready Bags are designed for our customers to experience simplicity and convenience, without ever having to sacrifice results.

Our trained staff will review your medical history and obtain your vitals (blood pressure, oxygen levels, and temperature) prior to rendering any Ready Bag services.

All Ready Bags have an add-on option for an additional fee(s).


Our injectable services (IM) provide specific needs for our customers' health and performance, whether personal or prescribed. Our IM services range from essential vitamins and supplements for daily use to physician guided protocols for particular symptoms and goals.

IM options can be added to a Ready Bag or a stand-alone service.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an important coenzyme for redox reactions making it central to energy metabolism. NAD+ is responsible for hundreds of processes in the body and is directly tied to aging. When we age, our NAD declines and so does our performance, muscle recovery, and energy levels amongst other things.

Our guided NAD+ services key into your goals and symptoms to provide the strongest impact possible.

Office & Mobile Option

Multi-Service Bundles

Monthly Subscription

Rewards Program


Your Place

Receive our services in the comfort of your own home, hotel, or event.

Where you go, we'll go.

Work Place

A company's biggest asset is their people.

Refuel your team with IV drips directly in the office, we'll bring it to you.

Any Place

We service most of New Jersey and are able to perform any of our services where we go.

We bring all of the equipment needed.


3 Easy Steps to Get Started

1. Your Call

Life’s busy, that's why we cater to your availability. You control the date, time, location, and service you receive. The rest is on us.

2. Your Experience

Once in our care, you’ll be guided by one of our certified team members through a safe and comfortable experience as you receive your infusion.

3. Your Life!

Soon after your service, you will feel the improvement and you're able to win the day and spend your time where you want it most.

Service driven by results

"I was struggling to stay sharp at work and by the time I was getting home I was floored. Once I started getting the energy bag twice a month I feel younger, energized, and much more present. Highly recommend."


Father, Husband, CEO

"While training for a fight I wasn't recovering or performing to expectations. My camp recommended me to IV NJ and once I started my protocol I saw and felt the difference in my workouts. I felt as strong and fast as I was years ago."


Professional Fighter

"Taking care of my clients is a big passion of mine but the daily grind of running the business and taking care of my family left me feeling and looking worn down. When I worked with IV NJ my mind was sharp and I was able to keep up with some of my most driven clients."


Mother, Fitness Model & Health Coach

"As a career athlete, health is a core value of mine, but after kids, I didn't like my body like I used to. I started with IV NJ and their team helped me understand and reach my body goals. I'm back in the gym , confident, and my kids get to experience the best version of myself."


Former NCAA Athlete & Mother of 3

Get Started with IV NJ Today!

General Disclaimer:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated the services provided. IV NJ uses a board of multidisciplinary physicians, providers, and FDA registered compounding pharmacies to help formulate the infusions. The IV/IM protocols are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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